Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Second Scramble for Africa

In an article titled The Second Scramble for Africa by lawyer Jason McCue, McCue notes the damaging effects of international corporations scrambling for various resources throughout Africa, inciting political turmoil, injustice, and financial struggle in their wake. McCue mentions that with the meeting of international leaders in New York for the UN General Assembly this week, these leaders should not only focus on mainstream topics such as wars and the migration crisis, but also on the devastating effects of what he coins “the Second Scramble for Africa.”

Citing various destructive consequences of the First Scramble for Africa, in which colonists carved Africa into territories to reap the benefits of the abundant natural resources of the continent, McCue aims to spur the international leaders into action by drawing parallels of the modern issue to history. He notes that these international corporations, either inadvertently or intentionally, cause political coups for profit, strip the land of its natural resources, and reap the benefits of Africa, leaving Africans in the dust and struggling to survive. McCue argues that, “African resources must generate wealth for Africans,” and, to do so, the once divided continent must band together under the African Union to prevent the First Scramble for Africa from occurring once again.


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