Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Africa and the Migrant Crisis

     Over the past several weeks, the world has had its eyes fixated on the current migrant crisis affecting Europe and the Middle East, with refugees attempting to enter Europe by any means possible. Much of the global media, however, has focused its attention on the refugees escaping the civil war in Syria in the Middle East. However, what the media hasn't placed much emphasis on is the sizable amount of African refugees as well. The difference, however, is while the Syrian refugees are attempting to escape from a country riddled with war, most of the African refugees are seeking economic opportunities in Europe, leaving countries that do not have active conflicts.
     With the exception of northern Nigeria, where Boko Haram, a terrorist group, has been waging a bloody war, refugees from other countries such as Gambia, Senegal, and Eritrea cite economic problems as their reasons for leaving. Unfortunately for the refugees, they will likely be denied from being able to find a home in Europe as they do not have proper evidence citing persecution as a reason for leaving their countries and will therefore be considered illegal immigrants. According to Tony O. Elumelu, chairman of Heirs Holdings and founder of the Tony Elumelu Foundation, focusing on providing more business and economic opportunities for Africans in Africa will ultimately be the solution to the problem rather than placing the burden upon European countries, who are having financial issues of their own, calling this plan "Africapitalism."


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